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Offering Details

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Club Event - Volunteer/Meet Hours

April 7 - Sign in tables - first week of rec classes - Saturday 8:30am to 10:30am
April 7, 2018

Notice: Registration for this offering is now closed.

Registration Price: $0.00
Status: Full
Ages: At least 16y but less than 99y
Gender: Co-ed
Spaces: 0
Instructor(s): Coach Executive
Phone: 780.492.7300
Location: c/o University of Alberta SCSC - South Campus
11610 - 65 Avenue
Edmonton, AB

Schedule Dates

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Date Time  
Saturday, Apr 07, 2018 8:30am - 10:30am

During the first week of recreational classes we would appreciate our team parents assisting our recreational parents become familiar with the first day of class process.  You will be sitting at a table in front of the doors collecting notification of risks and pipa forms and ensuring they are completely filled out.  You will be handing out membership t-shirts, cards  and handing our important date page to the parents.  Two parents will be sitting at the KinderGym entrance and two at the Main Gym entrance.


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